Together we can shut down hostile design
Hostile designs are designs against humanity. They are made specifically to exclude, harm or otherwise hinder the freedom of a human being. Quite often they aim to remove a certain section of a community from a public space.
This site exists to provide a platform to raise awareness around hostile design, empower you to name and shame those involved in it and create a living archive of hostile design around the globe. Ultimately the idea is that through awareness we can dissolve prejudice, influence planners and city councils and create more inclusive welcoming public space for everyone.
Design Crime - sticker sheet

What are hostile designs?
Hostile designs are designs against humanity.
They are made specifically to exclude, harm or otherwise hinder the freedom of a human being.
Quite often they aim to remove a certain section of a community from a public space.
Give me an example?
Quite often Hostile Designs are aimed at people without homes, but they can also be aimed at teenagers, skateboarders.
A good example might be spikes attached to a doorway or ledge to prevent people sleeping there.
They might take the form of bars or dividers on benches, to stop sleepers.
It could even be the use of annoying music (such as bagpipes) in a public space to prevent loitering.
Once you start looking you will see it happening all over the place.
If you take a look at our Design Crime Gallery page you will see photos from all over the world of Hostile Design crimes.
What’s so wrong with it?
It is a horrendous and prejudicial practice, that planners, fabricators, designers and councils pay huge amounts of money for.
It often attacks the most vulnerable people in our community, regularly the homeless.
It sends out a very clear signal, that certain people aren’t wanted.
We all end up with brutal looking, unfriendly public spaces.
It gives a sense of credibility to prejudicial attitudes, and stops people having to address real issues.
it’s morally wrong to design people out of their towns and cities.
Those involved in designing against humanity, or funding designs against humanity are committing the worst possible design crime.